Welcome to

If you’ve found us through The Real Dealz Podcast, any of our social media sites or our direct mail products, you know that we’ve been in the REI business for a while.
We have achieved much success by perfecting the way we market directly to motivated sellers. You also know that we practice what we preach.
The information we share is what we use every day, it’s been tested and proven over the years and it’s what works.

Since one-on-one consulting takes up a lot of time and because we’re full-time RE Investors and spend most our time flipping, wholesaling and building, it wouldn’t be manageable for us to provide one-on-one consulting for everyone that has requested it. If we did, the price wouldn’t be affordable and we would have to go into the consulting business full time, as running two separate businesses like that would be nearly impossible. So we decided that the Deal Finders Academy was the best solution where we can spend a manageable amount of time each week to provide tangible information to a number of investors in a group setting.
Now we all know that every investor is at different levels of their business. Some are just starting out, some have done deals but have never gone direct to seller and some have done it all, but might be looking to refine their marketing or take their business to the next level. No matter your level or experience, The Deal Finders Academy will have applicable information for all levels of investors.
The Deal Finders Academy is an exclusive community of the best direct to seller marketers and negotiators in the country. Our community thrives because we’re able to share ideas and strategies openly in a private forum without risk of training our competitors.
In order to keep the integrity of our community high, we grant membership by application only and only allow one member per geographic market. With this mindset, we ensure you aren’t competing with others in the Academy and this in turn will ensure a high likelihood of success in your market.

Academy Member Benefits:
- Access to all of our marketing material that we use
- Access to all of our business materials and tools that we use on a daily basis
- Seller Negotiation audio examples
- Getting Started with Direct Mail Tutorial Videos
- Premium “Member Only” Video and Audio
- Upcoming Product Early Access and Deep Discounts
- Private “Members Only” Website Forum and Private Facebook Group
- Direct Email, Forum and Facebook Access to Tucker and his Team to answer all your questions
- Monthly Webinars w/Q&A
- Ability to pull Specialty Farm Lists for you in your specific market
- Teaching each of you how to Analyze your Market and where to focus your marketing.
- Ability to share ideas and strategies with the best investors across the country